Caernarvon, Edmonton
Caernarvon is located south of 153rd Avenue, north of 145th Avenue, and east of 113A Street to the Baranow neighbourhood. Prior to urban development, the area which Caernarvon now occupies was rural or semi-rural in nature, and the land was primarily in agricultural use. Caernarvon was developed on land annexed by the City of Edmonton in 1971.
Development began in the 1970s, shortly after the land was subdivided, and construction continued into the 1980s. Multi-unit structures are an integral part of the neighbourhood and are situated along the collector roads. Recreational opportunities and parkland are conveniently placed next to the community league and elementary schools in the centre of the neighbourhood. A number of strategically placed pathways promote pedestrian travel through Caernarvon.
The Castle Downs Shopping Plaza, conveniently located on 145th Avenue and 118th Street, provides neighbourhood and area residents with a variety of goods and services.
Caernarvon’s name is based on the theme of naming all Castle Downs subdivisions and neighbourhoods after famous castles. The neighbourhood is named after a well-known Welsh castle in Northeast Wales.
If you or anyone you know, is interested in buying or selling property in Caernarvon, Edmonton. Contact The Beech Woolger Team Today!