Central McDougall, Edmonton
Central McDougall is located between 111th Avenue and 105th Avenue, and 101st Street and 109th Street. Kingsway Avenue bisects the north half of the neighbourhood.
In 1912, Edmonton was in the middle of a real estate boom. The Hudson’s Bay Company, after paving two miles of Portage (Kingsway) Avenue, offered parts of its large land holdings in Central McDougall for sale. The boom collapsed only a short time later, and many subdivisions (including the Hudson’s Bay Reserve) lay vacant for years. By the 1950s, most of Central McDougall was developed, and it was being redeveloped by the 1960s.
Many of the single-family homes south of 108th Avenue have been replaced with low-rise apartments, and commercial land uses have spread throughout the neighbourhood. The small amount of industrial land found in the blocks immediately north of the 105th Avenue properties is the result of the downtown warehouse district that spills over into the neighbourhood. The hospital and two schools account for a large proportion of the institutional land in the neighbourhood.
The Prince of Wales Armoury was built in 1915. In later years, the building not only housed military groups but cadets and various other organizations as well. Princess Patricia Park is named after Princess Patricia of Connaught, who was the Honorary Colonel-in-Chief of the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry.
Central McDougall itself is named after John Alexander McDougall (1854–1928), an early Edmonton businessman, real estate developer, and city mayor (1908). He also served as MLA and on the Senate of the University of Alberta. McDougall was born in Ontario and came to Edmonton in 1879. He opened the first general store on Jasper Avenue; a replica of the store is now located in Fort Edmonton Park. The Kingsway community was named to commemorate King George VI and Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Edmonton on June 2, 1939.